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In your hands, the KASHO Silver series outshines the competition. Here are the benefits that makes this affordable shear a go-to for professional hairstylists:

  • Made of high-performance ATS-314 steel, which allows for extremely sharp edges that stay sharp for longer periods of time
  • Mirror-polished finish for a sleek look and added durability
  • Handles in a very offset position, known as “crane” handles, that put your hand, wrist, and shoulder in the most ergonomic, comfortable position, reducing strain during long hours of use
  • Ball Bearing Tension screw for Smoothest operation.
  • Excellent for Point Cutting & Scissor over Comb.
  • Available in offset or straight handles for right-handed use, in a variety of sizes:
    • Offset (crane): 5.5”, 6.0”, 6.5”, 7.0”
    • Straight: 5.5”, 6.0”
    • Offset (crane), with DLC (Diamond-Like Black Carbon) coating for additional wear resistance and reduced friction: 5.5”, 6.0”, 6.5”

Choose the KASHO Silver series for premium quality and long-lasting performance, and experience the difference that a top-of-the-line hair shear can make.